Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Family: The Congers Drop In

Cousin Maria and two of her brood, Elisabeth and Young John, dropped by for a night over the weekend, in transit from other parts of PA to the northern stomping grounds. We had a very pleasant visit, sitting up on the deck until after midnight visiting, joking, and performing acrobatic feats. Most notably, we worked on kicking ourselves in the head, which is roughly as difficult as it sounds. It requires a certain degree of balance and flexibility, and the nice thing about it is that it's impossible to even try without causing those around you to erupt in laughter, and that tends to make you laugh, too, which makes the whole endeavor just that much more challenging.

We've all vowed to work on it until one of us breaks the world record, which is only, like, 145 times or something. A little conditioning and that sucker is mine to hold, I swear it.

In the morning we took some photos with Stillman, but he was pretty sleepy, so he looks more like a clump of clay than an actual human child.

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